Chocolate Lavender Tea Blend Exclusively for Butterfly Plant Studio

We were approached by Angela Kanaan, the curator of Butterfly Plant Studio in Troy NY to create a new tea blend exclusive to them. The only input they gave us was the flavor profile of chocolate and lavender. We got to work and came up with an amazing blend that brings out the floral and earthiness of both chocolate and lavender. Chocolate Lavender is a delious tea with a sweet chocolate flavor and soft notes of lavender. It's light, refreshing, and has a taste that embodies peace and tranquility.

What is it like to create a new tea blend? Glory-Anne Jones gives us an inside look at the creative process and takes us through her thought process as she works to make a new tea.

It takes more than just ingredients to turn something into a magical cup of tea. To make delicious chocolate tea blends takes imagination and carefully-selected ingredients - in this case just two. There is no room for carelessness when it comes to making this type of tea because it's not just a question of putting different types of tea and herbs together, but also finding balance to create the most rewarding results.

Here, she ponders everything from each note of flavor accompanying the tea to how it makes her feel once it's gone. The blending/mixing process isn't overly complicated. It's a process that feels similar to baking. Sometimes you know right away if you have a winner on your hands or if the flavor combinations are off. Other times it takes several iterations. How do you know a tea is right? It's like being in love. Love at first sight, a sixth sense, or a gut feeling are all good ways to describe that perfect moment of clarity when taste profile comes together as a truly new idea.

There is also a very important third ingredient and that's memory. Memories are triggered by scent, which is why I love to use my imagination while blending teas. I want each sip of tea to take you back—to a place that makes you happy or content or feels like home—and help you remember some of your favorite moments in life. 

This was a fun opportunity for Glory-Anne to get back into the test kitchen again. Butterfly Plant Studio feels their signature chocolate lavender tea is a drink that will be able to spread joy in a world needing more of it. It's beautiful. It tastes great. It's self-care.

Visit Butterfly Plant Studio
1809 5th Ave, Troy, NY 12180
(518) 874-0112

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