Craft Vendor Booth Signage and Set Up Tips & Tricks Part 1

I launched a chocolate tea biz last year. My best advice for displaying is to be FLEXIBLE! Here are a few spaces that I set up. Know your product, know your space, engage your audience visually, aesthetically, and energetically. Every so often invest in a new piece for your biz. Everything is always improving.

Let’s talk about signage first! GO UP HIGH!!!! I see so many people spending money on signs that go on their table and drape down in the front. It looks really great when no one is there. BUT as soon as people are standing infant of it…it’s blocked from view.

As people walk by they are not going to know who you are or get your details. BE VISIBLE! Go Up High! If you are at a vending event that is inside go for the pull-up kind like the one pictured here. You can alway find them for sale through different online printing companies. BUT here is my secret…open a pro account with Vista Print!!!! As far I know, they do not have minimum orders. You will get discounted rated and shipping. It’s really been a huge savings.

Now, let’s talk about the information you should put on your signs. As a graphic designer I’m going to say this up front…LESS IS MORE!!! I know you will be tempted to fill every space on the sign. Don’t do it! You need your Biz name, logo, website OR email (not both this isn’t a business card), and your name if you want. THAT IS IT.

Make sure it is readable. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen “pretty” signage that I couldn’t read because the cursive was weird or letters looked like other letters. If you choose to use a cursive font (like I did) make sure you test it with many many eyes!!!! You want people to take a glance and boom they know your name and if you have a big crowd of people in your booth, they know who and how to reach you. 

Another thing to consider about your signage is coloring. Light colors are hard to read. Colors that have the same color value are men harder to read. What I mean by that is if you had a light green circle and your words were in tan - there will not be enough contrast therefore it will be unreadable. Same goes for dark colors. If you have a navy circle and your text is in purple or brown no one will be able to read it. Be sure to have contrast light and dark. AND again, have several friends that will tell you the truth give their HONEST opinions.

Pull up banner with chocolate is self-care with pouches of tea in baskets

Ok, I could go on and on about graphics but I will stop here. Be sure to check back for my next blog post on creating height in your booth.

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